The first book of the Author Guide Series has just become available—and you can get it right now, for FREE. The first in a series of books dedicated to helping Authors with all aspects of self-publishing, this book is focused on building your list. We have all heard the saying ‘The Money Is In The List’, but building your list is not only time consuming, but incredibly difficult if you do not do it properly, and to make matters worse, you might end up having to start your list from scratch if you make the wrong decisions in the beginning!
Book 1 in the Author Guide Series (How to build your opt-in list, using free tools) focuses on list building for authors and ensures you avoid the pit falls most new authors make, and ensures that you start creating your list correctly from day one! No re-doing, re-verifying or mismanagement of lists that end up costing you time and money. Best of all, the book is focused on free tools to help you do this, no need to buy expensive software to successfully utilize the advice in this book.
If you already have your list, this book contains enough golden nuggets to provide you with tips and tools to provide new ideas and avenues you might not be utilizing and will help you maintain and organize your current list.
While focused on specifically on list building for authors, many of the options supplied can be utilized for other types of list building initiatives.
My advice? Get the book! Right now it is being offered for FREE, so you have nothing to lose, only tons and tons to gain!
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Why I wrote this book
- Myths and Fallacies of Email Marketing
- An Overview of The Opt-in List
- Preparing An Optimal Opt-In List
- Feedback for Introduction Section
- Author Essentials
- Insert Opt-In Links In All Your Books
- Create A Website
- Social Media For Authors
- Author Essentials Feedback
- GoodReads Author Program
- Feedback for GoodReads Author Program
- Amazon Author Central
- Feedback For Amazon Author Central
- Other Important Aspects
- List and traffic builder ads
- Create Marketing Videos
- Write, write and write some more
- A Free Book
- Other Options for Authors
- Feedback for Other Important Aspects
- To help you succeed
- How to determine your 20/80 Principle
- Opt-in Mailing List Good Practices
- How to send an email to your subscribers
- Basic HTML
- Converting
- Feedback for To help you succeed
- Summary
- A summary of the important points
- General Feedback